Monday, January 10, 2011


2011!...Can you believe it?...Time definitely flies...

First off, I want to greet everyone a Happy New Year! 

2010 was an awesome year --- such a great testimony of God's faithfulness.  And I know that this year will be no different.  Jason and I are super excited with what He has in store for us. 

As I mentioned in my previous blog, we celebrated Christmas with family in Boise, Idaho.  We had a blast spending time with everyone eating, playing Wii, hanging-out, laughing and talking.  This was a treat for me because this is my 'first-ever' Christmas in the U.S. with family.  It was such a blessing! 

Jason opening his presents! 
Bo and Pooka preparing our Christmas dinner...super good dinner!

Gwynn opening our present for him!
Lunch at a Greek Restaurant with Pooka, Becka, Ellie, and Mike.

Ellie and I at downtown Boise...I got to hold her for a long time!..Yay!
In the weeks leading to Christmas, I was quite anxious about my new Permanent Resident Card (Green Card) because I applied for a new one with my new name on it and it took quite awhile for it to arrive.  Jason bought my ticket for Idaho with my new name, and I had no official I.D. with it.  But the day before our flight, my immigration card arrived with my new name on it!  Complete with all my first names, middle name, and last name which was definitely not easy to explain to the immigration officials.  Praise God!  His timing is always perfect.  Once again, He reminded me to trust Him completely with all the details of my life.  What a sweet reminder of my God's sovereignty over everything!  

This week, we are preparing and submitting my application for naturalization to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services that will pave the way for us to go to Thailand unhindered.  We are praying that this whole process will be completed by summer around the time that my teaching job here in Windsor, NC also ends.  We ask that you pray for us, specifically for this and for the preparation of our hearts and minds as we enter in to His field in Krabi, Thailand.  Please pray that we may find favor in the hands of those who will be handling my papers.

January 19, 2011, I am driving Jason to Raleigh-Durham International Airport (RDU) --- a two hour-drive --- for his trip to Guatemala.    We will be using my friend's (Randy) car for this.  Our little green car is such a blessing to us, but it may not make it to RDU back and forth.  And we want to thank Randy for his generosity allowing us to use his car for a day!  God definitely provides for what we need!  Please pray for miracles and for God to continue to reveal Himself to His people.  And please pray for Him to speak through Jason as he preaches in Spanish!

In the coming months, Jason will be leading teams to China.  Please continue to pray for all these trips and for the teams he will be with!  Pray for revelation!  Pray for passion!  Pray for people to be saved!

Let our hearts be in tune with the heartbeat of our Father!  As my youth pastor preached one Sunday morning, "Life is to know Him."  Pray for the unquenchable desire to know Him more in your life!